Web-to-print solutions provide a central repository for content deployed across print, web, social media, mobile and more. With a user-friendly interface and automated workflow, W2P provides a collaborative environment for creation, editing, approval, publishing and digital asset storage. We can create a portal login at our site or custom solution for your company. Please contact us for more information.
Digital printing is best suited for short-to medium-run jobs, which may undergo changes at a later date. Digital printing requires less setup, uses less waste, and also allows you to insert variable data to enable personalization and customization.
Many of our clients depend on us for all their printing needs. Should your job be better suited for a litho run, we have partner printers who can offer us industry pricing and will allow us to manage the project on your behalf.
Output the file as a high-resolution and high-quality PDF. Make sure that all graphics are either grayscale or CMYK images and that black type is a true black (not comprised of RGB or CMYK). Please “flatten” any document containing drop shadows or transparency. If your document bleeds, make sure to include bleed. (It is not necessary to include trim marks or a color bar when outputting). The best way to send us your files is through the upload feature on our web site. Files up to 1GB are accepted.
Ensuring a high quality printed job is as simple as making sure all the photos and images in your digital file are high-resolution. All images and graphics must be at least 300 dots per inch (DPI). Since high-resolution images are based upon the number of pixels an image contains, resizing will not create new pixels, but rather stretch the image. The only way to ensure high-quality printing is to start with a high-resolution file containing high-resolution images.
All variable text (i.e. barcodes, names) to be merged with the final printed piece should be supplied in a data file or mailing list spreadsheet. Use the first row of the data file to title the columns/fields. Columns should represent the variable field names and rows should contain the data for each record needed to complete a variable data printed piece. If your project pulls data from multiple data sources, sort and merge into a single data file. Delete unused fields. Separate primary address (include street numbers), secondary address, city, state and zip fields. Provide your data in upper and lower case letters. Be consistent in data entry. Proof your data and review it for accuracy, omissions and duplications. Save as an Excel file (.xls or .xlsx), comma separated file (.csv) or tab delimited text file (.txt). The text file is the least preferred format but usable if setup and output correctly. If variable graphics or images are being used, make sure to provide along with your list. We can create most barcodes from a data file (e.g. postal codes, UPC and QR).
Please tell us about your marketing need and we will respond promptly.