We could not have been luckier to collaborate with Andrea X Burridge Interiors and Pursley Dixon Architecture on this exquisite home. The ivy design at the front of the home was collaborated on with the architectural design, and the property is currently maintained in the style of French country homes.
Working with a client who is also a creative interior designer, collaboration with landscape design allowed for linking views from the interior rooms to the exterior spaces. Early collaboration on this project began prior to the demolition of the original house, which allowed us to take extra care with an arborist to protect historic trees. The result was a handsome new house that fit into an existing neighborhood as if it had always been there.
Our design included a variety of outdoor spaces – a wide entry drive with gates, ample lawn for playing, vegetable beds, a fountain, an interior courtyard, and a generous seating area at the back of the house. The entire landscape area on the site is quite small, just slightly over a half acre. Yet the landscape feels balanced and spacious, as if it is part of a bigger property. To accomplish this, we designed the outdoor space into well-defined sequence of outdoor rooms. As one moves through the space, the sequence of moving from one area to another creates a feeling of spaciousness.